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Looping Statements In C

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The looping statements instruct the compiler to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times.

The versatility of the computer lies in its ability to perform a set of instructions repeatedly. This means repeating a block or multiple blocks of a program is called looping statements. In addition, loops or looping statements can run either a specified number of times or until a particular condition is satisfied. Loops are iterative in nature that’s why it is sometimes called Iterative Control Instruction.

There are three ways to implement looping statements in c:

Apart from the above-mentioned ways, there is one more way to implement looping statements in c language and that is a nested loop.

For Loop

For loop is widely used by programmers because it contains initialization, termination and control flow in one place. The for loop allows a programmer to specify three things about a loop in a single line.

  • Setting a loop counter to an initial value (initialization).
  • Testing the loop counter to determine whether its value has reached the number of repetitions desired. (condition or termination)
  • Increasing or decreasing the value of the loop counter each time the body of the loop has been executed (flow control).

Read More About For Loop 👉

While Loop

The while loop repeats a statement or group of statements while a given condition is true. In addition, it tests the condition before executing the body of the loop. Few important points about while loop:

  • The statements within the while loop would keep getting executed until the condition is true. When the condition becomes false, then control passes to the first statement that follows the body of the while loop.
  • The most important thing is, in the place of condition you can use any valid expression. So long as the expression evaluates to a non-zero value the statements within the loop would execute.
  • In addition, the condition may use relational or logical operators.

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Do While Loop

The do-while loop repeats a statement or group of statements without checking the condition for the first time. After one execution of do block, condition inside the bracket of while the block is checked. Few important points about do-while loop:

  • The do-while loop is one of the looping statements in c language, which executes the statements inside the do-block and then checks the condition.
  • In addition, the do-while loop executes the statements inside do-block n+1 times, where n is the number of times condition is true.
  • The statements within the do-while loop would keep getting executed until the condition is true. When the condition becomes false, then control passes to the first statement that follows the body of the do-while loop.
  • The most important thing is, in the place of condition you can use any valid expression. So long as the expression evaluates to a non-zero value the statements within the loop would execute.
  • In addition, the condition may use relational or logical operators.

Read More About Do While Loop 👉

Nested Loop

Using a loop inside the body of the loop is called a nested loop because sometimes it is important to repeat the repetitions.

There are many combinations by using which you can form a nested loop. I am going through nested for loop ( for loop inside another for-loop).

Read More About Nested Loop 👉

Infinite Loop

Most of the time beginners do a mistake while writing the program and puts the wrong condition while implementing looping statements. As a result of this, control flows inside that loop at an infinite time and that is called an infinite loop.

Although you can form an infinite loop in many ways by just making condition inside the loop always equal to true. The for loop is traditionally used for this purpose.

Read More About Infinite Loop 👉

Related Contents

for loop   while loop   do-while loop    nested loop    infinite loop

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Top Book Suggestion

The two books on C Programming Language that I Personally Recommend. I really loved reading these books. These books are listed for quality content, easy steps, and affordable price. You can get it from Amazon and Flipkart. 


Check The Price On Amazon:

1. C Programming Beginner’s Guide

2. Head First C: A Brain-Friendly Guide

Check The Price On Flipkart:

1. Introduction to C Programming 

2. Head First C: A Brain-Friendly Guide

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