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File Naming In C
The file is a collection of data or information that has a name. To understand File Naming In C language, let us understand other file naming system. A computer file is a data bundle, created by a program used to refer back to saved work to support the operations of the program.
Examples Of Data Files?
There are several types of data files that exist. Here we go for a few important & easy to observe examples:
- Text File
- Audio File
- Video File
- Doc File
- Program File
Components Of File?
There are two components of File:
- Filename
- File extension
The filename is the name of a file. It depends on us, whatever we want we can write. Another important component is an extension which is separated from the filename using a dot (.) operator. File extension tells about the type of the file.
Few examples with extension:
Text File: Let suppose we have a file “mycteacher.txt”. In this file, the filename is myteacher and extension is txt which indicates file type is text.
Audio File: Let suppose we have a file “music.mp3”. In this file, the filename is music and extension is mp3 which indicates file type is audio.
Video File: Let suppose we have a file “video.mp4”. In this file, the filename is video and extension is mp4 which indicates file type is video.
Doc File: Let suppose we have a file “mycteacher.doc”. In this file, the filename is mycteacher and extension is a doc which indicates file type is of word document.
C Program File: Let suppose we have a file “first.exe”. In this file, the filename is first and the extension is exe which indicates file type is executable software.
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Naming C Source File?
Now, you can understand the naming convention of the source file of C. You will write a code in C language and save the code with an extension of c. That is called source file of c language in which you will write source code.
Let suppose I wrote a hello world program. Then my filename will be anything, i.e., HelloWorld and extension will be c. So the whole file will be identified as Helloworld.c
How To Make Software In C?
There are few steps for the development of Software In C language. We will discuss it later. However, here we go for a short description.
1. You write a set of code in c language and save it with an extension of c. This is called source code.
2. After that, you have to compile that code and if it is successfully compiled, it will generate an object file. The file generated is identified as filename.o
3. After the compilation of source code, the linker will generate an executable file that will be “software”. The extension will be exe.
You will deliver this exe file to your client. Your client can enjoy your software without seeing your source code. You as a programmer only give the executable file to your client. You don’t have to send source code.
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