When searching for the perfect hosting solution, the choices can feel overwhelming. You want reliability, speed, and exceptional support, but how do you know which provider truly delivers? Out of millions, unfortunately there are only a handful of great hosting providers. Let’s find out truth in this article on Kinsta Reviews.

Kinsta is one of the great hosting that really deserve to called a hosting provider. Personally, I love Kinsta due to many factors like uptime, features, ease of use, customer support, performance and cutting-edge technology.

Imagine the relief of knowing your website is in capable hands, allowing you to focus on your dreams and ambitions. With Kinsta, you’re not just getting a service; you’re joining a family that prioritizes your success.

In this Kinsta reviews article, we’ll dive into the key features that set Kinsta apart from other hosting providers, including their cutting-edge technology, user-friendly dashboard, proactive security measures, case study and many more things.

I know this is getting complicated. For your ease, I’ll divide the article on Kinsta reviews into multiple headings so that you can easily grasp most of it. This data enriched article on Kinsta reviews will help you take a better decision.


Kinsta was founded in 2013 with a desire to change the status quo. It set out to create the best hosting platform in the world. Kinsta has been in business for 11 years and is known for top website performance, world-class support, and the powerful MyKinsta dashboard that makes website management a breeze.

More than 120,000+ clients all across the world, including some of the biggest companies in the world, rely on Kinsta’s hosting services.

Kinsta is a premium managed WordPress hosting provider known for its speed, security, and expert support. Backed by the powerful Google Cloud Platform, Kinsta delivers lightning-fast load times and robust scalability for websites of all sizes.

Whether you’re running a personal blog, an e-commerce store, or a high-traffic business site, Kinsta’s fully managed hosting takes the hassle out of website maintenance and optimization. With daily backups, real-time monitoring, and 24/7 expert support, users consistently praise Kinsta for its reliability and performance.


Kinsta do not offer high availability (HA) hosting, they offer a Service Level Agreement (SLA)  backed uptime guarantee. At Kinsta, every site runs in a single Linux container, and the site database runs as a service within the site container, all built on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Cloudflare.

The use of GCP and Cloudflare are the greatest combination to reduce the downtime. Thanks to the flexibility afforded by the use of a container-based infrastructure, proactive load management by their Engineering team, and the use of a best-in-class cloud provider in Google Cloud Platform, they are able to offer an SLA-backed 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Advantages of using GCP

  • Outstanding Availability and Uptime

  • Live Migration of Virtual Machines

  • Leading Global Infrastructure

  • Free Uptime Monitoring

  •  Unrivalled Throughput

  • Performance Optimization With Network Service Tiers

  • State-of-the-Art Security

Advantages of Cloudflare

  • Firewall and DDoS Protection

  • High-Performance CDN

  • Edge Caching

  • HTTP/3 Support

  • Wildcard SSL Support

  • Early Hints

September 2024 100%
August 2024 100%
July 2024 100%
June 2024 100%
May 2024 100%
April 2024 100%
March 2024 100%
February 2024 99.94%
January 2024 100%
December 2023 100%
November 2023 100%
October 2023 100%

Performance (KINSTA REVIEWS)

Kinsta has 37 data centers across the world, meaning you’ll be able to find a location near your target audience wherever they are. Not that it matters much – due to its built-in CDN, Kinsta promises fast loading speeds just about anywhere.

At Kinsta, your website is already hosted on Google’s best C3D and C2 machines on its Premium Tier network. CDN & Edge Caching offers you another tool to optimize your site for speed.

To test if Kinsta was really worth all that, I migrated one of my heavy website. I purchased the base plan and I am sure the upper plans will give better result.

I have tested my website on two tools. The result was not surprising for me as I have migrated hundreds of my client’s website to Kinsta.



Kinsta performance


kinsta Speed

Each one of Kinsta’s WordPress plans are connected to the Enterprise level of Cloudflare’s CDN. This means that I didn’t have to do anything to maximize the site’s global performance. And the results were outstanding all over the world.


Nothing is more important than the security of your website. Kinsta’s proactive and reactive measures automatically process 5.7 billion malicious requests and mitigate 90+ DDoS attacks per month.

kinsta security

There’s a 60% chance that one cyber attack can destroy your business.

With more than a billion live websites out in the world, you might think the odds of a malicious actor attacking your site are unlikely. But not all sites are targeted.

Many WordPress attacks are with bots probing your site for vulnerabilities as they are looking for an entryway to attack you without human intervention.

But what are the most common vulnerabilities hackers leverage to break into your site?

Poor Hosting Environment

Expect free or cheap web hosting to overlook security features such as DDoS protection, firewalls, and proactive plugin vulnerability checking.

It’s because running a secure hosting infrastructure costs money. Therefore, companies that do it for free or for a cheaper plan scrimp on vital security features.

Compromised Login Credentials

A non-trivial percentage of hacks are from malicious actors getting their hands on WordPress login credentials.

Although WordPress does a great job mitigating these breaches by auto-generating secure passwords, it’s still up to users to keep them safe and use strong passwords for hosting.

Outdated Core, Plugins, and Themes

Did you know that 56% of the known entry points for hackers are outdated plugins?

Ignoring updates draws security vulnerabilities, leaving an open entryway for malicious actors.

The consequence of cyber attacks costs an average of $200,000.

About 60% of hacked small to medium-sized businesses go out of business within six months. And whether you run a tiny personal blog or a huge multinational online store, the threat of getting hacked is always present.


Kinsta’s state-of-the-art infrastructure

When hackers are probing for a way into your site, they’ll often turn to the server to look for exploits.

Read the full article on Kinsta reviews written with decades of experience by one of the Kinsta star at Kinstareviews.com.

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